Satisfaction questionnaire among physicians Name e-mail Phone number Your city, occupation, medical institution How do you feel about «RG» medicines? fully trusttrustindifferentlydon't trustdon't trust at all What «RG» medications do you prescribe? antibioticsanti-inflammatoryantifungalothers How do you assess the effectiveness of the impact of «RG» medicines? very effectiveeffectivedifficult to assessnot effectivenot effective at all What do patients think of «RG» medicines? How do think about phrase "Foreign drugs are better"? strongly agreeagreedifficult to assessdisagreestrongly disagree Are you satisfied with the price of «RG» medicines? completely satisfiedsatisfieddifficult to assessnot satisfiedcompletely unsatisfied How hard is it to find the right «RG» product where you live? very difficultdifficultdifficult to answereasyvery easy What are your suggestions / comments / complaints for «RG»?